Learning Providers

The only employer-backed accreditation for tech and digital learning.

Tech Industry Gold accreditation provides formal recognition for high quality programmes leading to employment and career progression in tech and digital roles.

Tech Industry Gold logo

We bring together employers with leading learning providers across the UK

Logo for Northumbria UniversityLogo for Aston UniversityLogo for University of West LondonLogo for University of ChesterLogo for Brunel University LondonLogo for Oxford Brookes UniversityLogo for Blackpool and The Fylde CollegeLogo for University of GreenwichLogo for Buckinghamshire New UniversityLogo for Bright NetworkLogo for Ravensbourne UniversityLogo for TDM Group UKLogo for Henley Business SchoolLogo for Lancaster UniversityLogo for University of Winchester

We are proud to work with passionate, committed learning providers, collaborating to give learners the best possible start to their tech and digital careers.


Tech Industry Gold helps you

When your programme is successfully accredited as Tech Industry Gold, you become part of a fantastically supportive community of employers and peers. We promote your successes widely across industry, education and government to help you make the most of being a Tech Industry Gold partner.

Industry recognition

Independent validation of quality and relevance by industry helps boost programme uptake by both learners and employers.

Learner satisfaction

As well as benefitting from an industry-enriched learner experience and valued digital credentials, outcomes are best-in-class on all key measures including employment and academic results.

Future insights

Partnership between employers and educators enables knowledge sharing, keeps courses current and builds valuable professional networks.

What is Tech Industry Gold
Profile picture of Jon Jackson

"The Tech Industry Gold accreditation process has been of great value to us in ensuring our programme structure and KSB mapping is as robust as it can be. Having digital apprenticeship experts review and accredit our programmes has helped identify gaps and opportunities to align module materials more closely with specific KSBs."

Jon Jackson

Senior Lecturer in Digital Apprenticeships, Buckinghamshire New University

Tech Industry Gold helps your learners

As well as benefitting from best-in-class employment and academic results, your learners will have access to a wealth of support throughout their course and beyond.

Course outcomes

Outstanding employment, pay and academic results means learners can be confident in the value of their investment.

Learning enrichment

Unique access to employers throughout their course and membership of the Tech Industry Gold learner community builds skills and contacts.

Digital Credentials

Trusted Tech Industry Gold digital credentials prove learners’ industry-valued skills in a format employers readily understand.

Alumni network

Membership of the Tech Industry Gold alumni network continues the sharing of intelligence and building of professional relationships beyond graduation.

TechSkills’ industry partnerships boost course uptake and outcomes

TechSkills brings together employers across all sectors in partnership with universities, colleges and training providers to strengthen and diversify the UK’s tech and digital talent.

We are responsible for Tech Industry Gold, the only industry accreditation for tech-related education and training. Tech Industry Gold is more than just accreditation. Employers also support the development and delivery of these programmes, providing practical support to learning providers and invaluable enrichment for learners.

Employers and learners choose Tech Industry Gold programmes with confidence

Learners and employers choose Tech Industry Gold apprenticeships and training programmes confident in their quality and relevance. Employers recruit graduates of Tech Industry Gold degrees and Master’s programmes knowing they have the skills to be immediately productive in work.

Employers are at the heart of Tech Industry Gold

Employers support the whole Tech Industry Gold journey, from defining learning outcomes to supporting programme development to proactively supporting your learners in their development. Our network of employers from all sectors and geographies is represented on working groups and accreditation panels which define accreditation criteria and approve programmes.

Employers seek the ideal blend of technology, business, project and professional skills in their future workforce

For all Tech Industry Gold programmes:

  • Learning outcomes meet industry needs for in-demand skills sets, as defined by teams of expert employers, and these are continually reviewed to maintain currency.
  • Programmes integrate a holistic blend of technology, business, project and professional skills, focused on real-world application
  • Employers are engaged in design and delivery
  • The quality of assessment of learners’ achievements is independently verified so that employers can rely on the digital credentials which are awarded to define skills achieved
  • Diversity and inclusion are prioritised to open up equal access to tech careers to all, regardless of gender, ethnicity or background

Start your accreditation journey today

Work with us to achieve Tech Industry Gold accreditation for your learning programmes

Get accredited

Our employer network will support your learners, providing unique, valuable learning enrichment throughout their journey

The TechSkills employer network provides a unique enriched learning experience for those on Tech Industry Gold accredited programmes


Access to insights, white papers and exclusive videos developed to extend your learners' knowledge.

Events & masterclasses

Exclusive events delivered on site or online by tech and digital thought leaders across industry.


We feature jobs and opportunities from our employer network, available to your learners during and after their course.


Student competitions judged by industry experts motivate, recognise and develop highly valued skills.

Tech Industry Gold Credentials give learners a common, recognised currency to demonstrate skills

Individuals successfully completing Tech Industry Gold programmes are awarded Tech Industry Gold digital credentials which certify their skills in an industry-recognised format.

Contact us to find out more or get accredited


Everything learning providers need to know about Tech Industry Gold

Why get my programme accredited?

What sort of courses are accredited?

What skills do learners gain?

What sort of enrichment opportunities will my students have?

What difference does Tech Industry Gold make to learner outcomes?

How do Tech Industry Gold credentials help my learners?

Why do employers choose accredited courses?

Why do students choose accredited courses?

How are accreditation criteria determined?

What if I want a course accredited in a new subject area?

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